
NO FUTURE - a cyberpunk graphic novel by Corbeyran and Jef

Created by Neurobellum Productions

THE FIFTH ELEMENT meets BLADE RUNNER, BRAZIL, and IDIOCRACY in this deluxe action-packed graphic novel.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Your NO FUTURE Bonus points have arrived!
3 days ago – Fri, Sep 13, 2024 at 03:31:19 PM

Hi, everyone!

Hope you're kicking off a great weekend. We wanted to start that celebration by letting you know that --


If you missed the mention on the campaign page, every pledge includes a number of Ambassador Points equivalent to your final order total (including postage). These are unique reward points that can be collected and redeemed for discounts and rewards on our webstore, and a great way to support Magnetic Press further (while building up a collection of cool books and stuff in the process)!

If you are already a webstore customer and part of the program, just log into your webstore account (which should be under the same email address as your Kickstarter/Backerkit account). You should see those new points added to your balance under the heading "NO FUTURE Kickstarter Points."

If you don't have an account on our webstore, your points have been tallied, but you will need to register an account and then contact us to add them for you. 😊

For a walkthrough of how to register, just follow the steps on our webpage:

You can use points for discount codes, gift cards, and occasionally for exclusive collectible items that you can only get using points! It's definitely a fun program that we'll be building upon very soon!

If you don't see your NO FUTURE points in your account, or if you have any questions about the above, please send us a message here on Kickstarter and we'll get back to you ASAP. Please note that if you haven't completed your Backerkit order, your points have not been awarded yet, so check to make sure your survey and any remaining payments are complete!

Thanks, everyone! In the meantime, if you haven't already checked out our current Kickstarter campaign, there's only 1 week left:

We've already unlocked SIX Stretch Goals and are barreling towards even more... join the party before it ends! You won't be disappointed!

NO FUTURE shipping has started!
about 1 month ago – Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 04:43:12 PM

Hi everyone!

We know that two weeks ago we said "shipping will begin next week", but QML had to finish up a couple of (HUGE) campaigns ahead of us (like 20,000+ orders each), and it took them a little longer than expected. They have, however, confirmed that 2850 of our 3126 orders have either shipped or have tracking and should be going out today/tomorrow. They expect all domestic orders will be out the door to US and Canada by the end of day Monday (if not EoD tomorrow).

Tracking emails are automatically sent, so watch for a message from [email protected].

That covers all North American and "rest of the world" orders (those not serviced by a hub). For the hub regions, here's what we're told:

  • EU/UK orders will be shipped by sea to Spiral Galaxy in the UK, departing next week. That will likely take a few weeks to cross the Atlantic, and then those orders will likely take a few more weeks once received for the items to be checked into stock and orders individually packed. You should likely anticipate receiving your order in October.
  • AUS/NZ orders will be shipped to Aetherworks in Australia next week. That could take 2-6 weeks to reach them (depending on whether it goes by air or sea, QML is determining this now). Either way, with AW's receiving and turnaround time, these are likely to reach you in October as well.
  • Asia orders will be shipped to VFI next week, which will likely go by Air. These are packed at that hub location and then distributed to your nearest local game, book, or hobby shops for final postage. These should probably go out mid-September, depending on VFI's queue.

We will post more on these international shipments as updates come in. 

Note: Don't worry -- you should NOT have to pay any additional taxes or fees to receive your package! All taxes and duties should already be paid, so if you are eventually asked by your local courier to pay more/again for final delivery, let us know!

Thanks for your patience -- we think it'll be worth it! This has been an unexpectedly big campaign (combined with another unexpectedly big campaign), and we're excited to reach the finish line for you! 😊

Address Verification Emails sent -- NO FUTURE starts shipping NEXT WEEK!
about 2 months ago – Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 06:33:09 PM

Hi everyone!

We're on the road currently (attending San Diego Comic-Con), but we wanted to let everyone know that Quartermaster Logistics is about ready to start shipping, and they have sent out Address Verification emails. US and Canadian backers, please watch for an email from [email protected]; this is your chance to make any late changes to your shipping address before they start shipping those North American packages next week!

This only pertains to North American backers -- International orders are being shipped to regional hubs in the UK, Australia, and Asia for processing, and you should get notification messages from those warehouses when they are ready. Once we have some estimated dates, we will let you know.

If you have any questions, feel free to message us!

Shipping to start in a few weeks! Stand by!
2 months ago – Sat, Jul 06, 2024 at 12:34:40 PM

Hi everyone!

Happy July -- we hope you're having a nice summer so far, fighting the heat as best as you can! We're getting your NO FUTURE pledges ready to start shipping at the end of the month and wanted to share a little inside info for complete transparency...

Here's what's up:

We provided the order data and item list to our current fulfillment warehouse along with another campaign that we are fulfilling at the same time, FRONTIER. Combining the two campaigns into a single packing process normally speeds everything up and introduces a lot of efficiencies...

...this time, however, the warehouse was caught unprepared for the sheer scope of this combined project: over 6000 total orders of more than 34 different items, 12 of which need to be pre-assembled into 3 different bundles... They've done a great job on our other, more modest projects, but the scope of these two back-to-back successes turned out to be far more than they had anticipated (or we had raised). It simply wasn't feasible. So we immediately engaged an experienced fulfillment service more suited for a project of this scale. 

That unexpected change in plans took a couple of weeks to lock down, but the inventory is traveling between locations this week. The new service fully expects to be able to have domestic orders out by the end of this month (or the first week of August at the latest).

International orders will take a few more weeks because of their (MUCH) more cost-efficient pipeline: they will forward inventory to hub warehouses in the UK, Australia, and Asia to complete the packing and final postal delivery for those global regions. This keeps the per-order cost closer to what you actually paid (and what we actually collected). Still, it does require an additional number of weeks for that freight to reach those warehouses and another couple of weeks for those orders to then get packed and sent to those regional customer addresses. So International orders might not arrive until the end of August or so. We will, of course, keep you posted.

I know that it may be slightly disappointing for those of you abroad to have to wait an extra month, but I assure you that this is the best mutually beneficial process available to us. Your items will arrive from (relatively) local origins, and we won't go bankrupt having to pay fulfillment fees that cost almost double what we collected during the campaign (even as high as some of you felt those rates already were...)

International shipping -- and shipping in general -- continues to be the biggest challenge in running a publishing business (or any business dealing with goods, for that matter). Fortunately, we're small enough to stay nimble so that we can find the most affordable solutions available. The one-two punch of back-to-back successes like FRONTIER and NO FUTURE have admittedly forced us to evolve and evaluate our options to maintain that efficiency, and we're lucky enough to be able to act quickly to meet your satisfaction as best as possible.

We know how much you are looking forward to getting your stuff as expected, and we totally appreciate your patience! We are confident that you'll dig these items when they arrive, and that date is coming up quickly, trust me... 😊

Addresses locking - please update now if necessary!
3 months ago – Wed, Jun 05, 2024 at 02:28:06 PM

Hi everyone!

We mentioned locking addresses over this past weekend, but we're a little behind schedule. That said, we have initiated that process this afternoon.

You will soon get a notice from Backerkit offering you one more chance to update your address if necessary. In 48 hours, however, your addresses will be locked into the system so that we can export all of the final shipping data next week.

That's right, we're starting the shipping preparation next week! The warehouse will require some time to process the labels, pre-assemble the stretch goal bundles, and pack the boxes, but we're pushing to have everything out the door by the end of the month if possible!

We'll keep you posted, but in the meantime, make sure you update your address now based on shipping by the end of June. If you need help making that change, message us here on Kickstarter or send an email to [email protected] and we'll help you out.

Thanks, everyone! The future is catching up to us quickly! 😁