
NO FUTURE - a cyberpunk graphic novel by Corbeyran and Jef

Created by Neurobellum Productions

THE FIFTH ELEMENT meets BLADE RUNNER, BRAZIL, and IDIOCRACY in this deluxe action-packed graphic novel.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Die-cut cover proofs!
10 months ago – Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 12:39:48 PM

Hi everyone!

Hope you're wrapping up a great week and getting set for a great weekend. We've been super-busy here with a bunch of fun stuff, not the least of which is approving the physical proofs of the Limited Edition Die-cut cover design with our printers! Check out the photos -- they turned out really cool!

Now that those proofs turned out as expected, the printer will start the full print run with interiors and silver gilding, etc. These will be really sweet when they're done... which they expect to be around April 22nd so that they can be on a boat by April 29th. With those target dates, we hope to have everything in hand and ready to start shipping out to you by late June.

The other bits of swag are also in production now -- we don't have anything to show yet, but we will once we do.

Thanks for your support, everyone! If you have any specific questions, please feel free to message us!

Surveys sent! Watch your mailboxes!
11 months ago – Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 02:29:11 PM

Hey everyone - just a quick update to let you know that the smoke test went off without a hitch so we've sent the rest of the surveys out. Watch your mailboxes from an email from Neurobellum Productions (actually coming from "[email protected]"). If you haven't gotten your survey in the next 24 hours, message us and we'll get you sorted.

Also, a reminder: if you used a email address, you'll need to contact us with an alternate email address where we can reach you! 😊

Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you have any questions!

Smoke test has begun! Surveys out tomorrow!
12 months ago – Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 07:12:08 AM

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the delay in posting this news -- we had hoped to send out surveys last Friday/weekend, but we only just received confirmation of collection from Kickstarter today, so we're happy to announce that the smoke tests have now been sent! 

For those of you who aren't sure what that means: the "Smoke Test" process is a small batch of surveys (about 5% of the total) that are randomly selected and sent in advance of the rest to catch any unexpected technical issues or questions that may come up. If you are one of those randomly selected 5%, you may have already received your notification and link from Backerkit by email. The rest of you will likely get yours tomorrow -- Backerkit suggests waiting at least 24 hours or until 75% of those Smoke Test surveys are complete before sending out the rest, just to make sure everything is running smoothly. So, assuming everything is working as expected, we'll send the rest of the surveys out before the weekend is over. 😊

Note: If you use a email address (ie. you registered for Kickstarter using your iPhone or other iOS device), then you will need to contact us with an alternate email address that we can use to manually update your Backerkit account. Backerkit has trouble sending messages to privaterelay email accounts (or rather you have no way to read/receive messages sent there), so that is something you will need to help us fix. Otherwise, you won't get any notifications from Backerkit and won't be able to log in to complete your survey.

With the surveys going out, the Backerkit store is now open, so if any of your friends missed out on the campaign, tell them it's not too late to join the party! Anyone can now click the button at the top of the campaign page to place late pre-orders and receive items along with the other backers. 😊

With factory staff returning from the Chinese New Year break this week, we should start seeing some proofs and progress on the books and other items soon. We'll be sure to share pix as they come in!

Thanks again, everyone! This'll be a fun one!

"Smoke test"... get it? 😜

12 months ago – Fri, Feb 02, 2024 at 05:18:28 PM

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are the Santa Claus of the Subconscious.  You made the unexpected undeniable. You are the BEST.

What a finale!

For us, it was a nailbiter to see if NO FUTURE would beat out FRONTIER for our second-best-campaign-evar spot, but there's no shame in placing third... it's great to place on the podium!

Next up: Kickstarter will start collecting your pledges based on whatever payment method you have attached to your account. If they have trouble collecting funds, they'll notify you and continue to try for two weeks at which point, if they still can't collect your funds, your pledge will be canceled. BUT...

...your failed pledge will still carry into Backerkit, so you will be able to pay the outstanding balance there, too. 😊

It will take us a couple of weeks to get the Backerkit set up, and they recommend not sending the surveys until after Kickstarter has completed their collection phase. So at this point, we expect to have those out to you on Friday February 16th. We'll post another update as that date approaches.

In the meantime, we have some celebrating to do! Have a great weekend everyone. Once again: THANK YOU!!!!!

Two Days Left! And so much unlocked!
almost 1 year ago – Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 04:01:03 PM

Hi everyone!

We're back from a week abroad at the annual FIBD (Festival International de la Bande Dessinée) in Angouleme -- France's biggest comic book festival that attracts authors and publishers from around the world. 2024 marked the festival's 50th anniversary, and this year's visit was particularly special, not just because of the excellent meetings we had while there, but because of how those meetings could dovetail into a pretty cool 10th Anniversary for Magnetic Press this year! It's a bit early to go into any of those possibilities here, but rest assured they are all very cool projects... 😎

We apologize if we weren't able to answer comments or messages very promptly while away, but we're thrilled by the number of stretch goals that were unlocked --

On top of those cool freebies, we've also unlocked $2 in Shipping Credit for all physical pledges to be applied in the pledge manager after the campaign!

We are totally aware of how shipping has become a huge consideration these days, and while there isn't much we can do to lower the actual courier costs and costs of fulfillment, this latest stretch goal is our effort to make it a bit easier for everyone.

With only 48 hours left in the campaign, we're working on something as a last-minute, final physical stretch goal. To be perfectly honest, the response to this campaign has far exceeded our modest expectations... you've unlocked everything we had originally planned! We have a couple of cool last minute ideas, but with only 2 days left, we are scrambling to see what is actually feasible... we don't want to promise something that turns out to be more complicated than expected... so if something falls into place in the next 2 days, we'll put it up on the board!

A few have suggested adding more content to the book, but it's a self-contained tale and there simply isn't any content available to us. A couple others have asked if we could get the bookplates signed, but unfortunately we weren't able to arrange that with Jef and Eric...

We also don't want to distract from the awesome book at the core of this campaign! All these fun stretch goal bonuses are cool, but the heart of the project is the book itself, and we're thrilled that so many people are on board and looking forward to it. The files have just been delivered to the printer, so this summer should prove to be awesome.

Thanks everyone! If you can continue to spread the word, we'll make this the strongest finish possible! 😊