
NO FUTURE - a cyberpunk graphic novel by Corbeyran and Jef

Created by Neurobellum Productions

THE FIFTH ELEMENT meets BLADE RUNNER, BRAZIL, and IDIOCRACY in this deluxe action-packed graphic novel.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Digital files and shipping to begin soon!
4 months ago – Wed, May 29, 2024 at 04:14:54 PM

Hi everyone!

We emerge from the silence bearing good news: while we still wait for the books themselves to reach the warehouse, we're confident shipping will be ready to begin in a matter of weeks. So in the meantime, we're doing two things to get ready: 

1) We distributed the digital files!

You may have already received an email notification from Backerkit earlier today, but if not, check your inboxes or check your Backerkit page directly. You will find all of the links and instructions on your personal Backerkit page (which you can access at Once logged in, you should see a big blue button in the middle of the page that says "Get Your Digital Downloads" -- click on that to see your personal links for each item ordered.

The books are hosted by Gumroad -- you will have to follow the (simple) instructions to use your unique codes to download your files from Gumroad for free. 😊 

If you have any trouble or questions about the process, feel free to email us at [email protected] -- we're happy to help!

2) We're locking addresses this weekend!

On Friday, we will start finalizing the order data for shipping, and you will have one last chance to update your address on Backerkit if necessary. You will get a final notification email from Backerkit once we initiate that phase, at which point you'll have 48 hours to make any necessary changes to your shipping address. If you aren't sure where you will be in July, email us at [email protected] and we'll do our best to help you out.

That's all for now -- we'll be back on Friday once the address lock has been initiated!

Thanks, everyone!

Locking orders! (Sorry for the delay)
4 months ago – Sun, May 05, 2024 at 10:32:03 AM

Hi everyone!

We’re sitting in the waiting room to board for holiday, and I just realized we never pressed the “lock orders” button as we mentioned a week or so ago! Mea culpa! I just initiated that through Backerkit now, so you should get an email shortly with a 48hour notice to make any final changes to your order. In 48hours, orders will lock automatically.

Don’t worry though - if you need to make any changes to your address or anything else, we can help you before shipping starts in late June. Confirming now just helps us prepare early.

Sorry again for the delay! More news shortly!

Advance copies have arrived!
5 months ago – Fri, May 03, 2024 at 04:36:15 PM

Hi everyone!

We have a really quick update to share with you (while we scramble to pack for  a much-needed, overdue vacation for the next 12 days...) We couldn't leave without sharing some pix and videos of the SWEET ADVANCE COPIES we got in the mail yesterday, however!


We showed some pix earlier of the cover proofs, but now we have full final copies of both editions in hand!

The textured graining turned out really cool, and the orange foil absolutely POPS! But, not to shame the regular edition, the real beauty is the Limited Die-Cut edition...

Not easy to unwrap with one hand while also filming... Since these are advance copies, these bookplates are not numbered, but the ones you'll be getting are.

We also got two advance copies of the LED Desk Pads, too, and they're pritaaaay, pritaaaaay, prettay cool...

Even the boxes turned out rather cool:

So at this point, we're waiting on the books which are now crossing the Pacific Ocean, as well as the other swag (LED keychains, the stickers, coin, carabiner, etc.) We still seem to be on track for July shipping! 

We'll keep you posted as more items show up on the doorstep! As mentioned above, however, we'll be a little off the grid for the next 12 days... Chris and Mitch should be able to respond to comments and questions in the meantime, otherwise we'll get back to you as soon as we return to the desk on the 16th!

Thanks, everyone!

Production pix and upcoming timetable
5 months ago – Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 04:01:24 PM

Hey everyone!

Hope you're doing well -- things have been trotting right along on production here, and we seem to be right on schedule for shipping in July, as targeted in the campaign. While the printer is hard at work on the books themselves, we've also been working with various vendors for the "Hackrunner" bundle items. They're looking pretty cool! SO cool, in fact, we decided to upgrade the Desk Pad to have a USB-powered RGB LED ILLUMINATED BORDER! 😎

So not only will these be sweet desk pads with artwork from the book, but they'll light up in one of 9 colors and patterns when plugged into a USB port with the (included) 1.8m cable! They'll even come in a custom color box made just for this campaign!

And if that isn't enough glowy goodness, the LED Hackrunner Keycard Keychains turned out pretty sweet, too!

The Carabiner strips, Stretch Goal patches, Mondio coin, and other bonus items are also in production, but we don't have anything to show just yet... as soon as we get pix or proofs, we'll be sure to share.

We did get a test proof of the numbered foil bookplate, however --

The above pic isn't on the final cardstock, but it is a good indication of the color and foil alignment (as well as the digital numbering system).

So what's next?

Immediately coming up this weekend, we will be LOCKING BACKERKIT ORDERS ON FRIDAY. Once we hit that button in Backerkit, they will send an email to everyone with a notice that your orders will be locked in 48 hours. Please make sure that your surveys are complete by then! We'll then collect any balances due (for shipping or extra add-on items) next Monday.

If you aren't sure if you filled out your survey, go to and log in with your Kickstarter-associated email address.

If you used a email address with your Kickstarter account, you'll need to message us with an alternate email address, otherwise your survey will get lost in the ether...

After a short break (read: a long-overdue vacation), we'll get the digital rewards ready to distribute on or around Friday, May 24th. Beyond that, we expect to lock addresses around June 14th so that we can start shipping in early July. Granted, things can change between now and then, but so far everything is looking right on schedule.

That's all for now. More news to come! Stay tuned to these updates for the latest!

Die-cut cover proofs!
6 months ago – Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 12:39:48 PM

Hi everyone!

Hope you're wrapping up a great week and getting set for a great weekend. We've been super-busy here with a bunch of fun stuff, not the least of which is approving the physical proofs of the Limited Edition Die-cut cover design with our printers! Check out the photos -- they turned out really cool!

Now that those proofs turned out as expected, the printer will start the full print run with interiors and silver gilding, etc. These will be really sweet when they're done... which they expect to be around April 22nd so that they can be on a boat by April 29th. With those target dates, we hope to have everything in hand and ready to start shipping out to you by late June.

The other bits of swag are also in production now -- we don't have anything to show yet, but we will once we do.

Thanks for your support, everyone! If you have any specific questions, please feel free to message us!